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meet us.

Hi! I'm Cheryl.


I've been married to my best friend Tony for 10+ years. We have three babes and are saved by God's amazing and undeserved grace. I'm a classroom teacher turned stay-at-home mom/illustrator/graphic designer and am now back in the classroom - in our home!


Throughout college, I worked as a graphic designer & calligrapher for a quaint little stationery shop and loved it.  I graduated with a BA in Liberal Studies, a Multiple Subject Credential, Minor in Science & an MA in Reading Education. After graduating, I used art within the classroom to help inspire the minds & creativity of (mainly) first graders for six years. While I loved teaching, my dream since I was a little girl was to be a stay-at-home mom like my own mom! I decided to open an Etsy shop to allow me a creative outlet, as well as help our family financially. My entire shop is hand illustrated by me. I create business branding, logos, rubber stamps, invitations, school printables and other printables that make life a bit more organized + fun!

Homeschool was not on our radar. 

My husband and I went to private school and public school growing up. Our daughter went to the local public school for her Kindergarten year, and while nothing was "wrong", we felt we wanted more for our family. The following year I got back to teaching!


Thank you for following along.

My hope for this space is to inspire creativity, a love for learning, offer you some ideas and pass along free goodies that I'll create as we go.

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